Sunday, February 17, 2008

More mobile marketing...

In a discussion I was having this week, the topic of mobile marketing and mobile communication came up. This topic was brought up because of a little time managemet issue.

So the story goes like this: We were due to leave the Baton Rouge Airport at 0700. At 0530 I received a notice (via text message) that the 0700 flight we originally had been confirmed on was now canceled. Subsequently we were rebooked on the 0745. Unfortunatly, the text message that was sent to inform us of the flight cancelation did nothing to inform us of our connecting flights out of Atlanta.

So, that was what caused the conversation. The conversation, however, touched on a few unique points that would benefit air travelers and reduce the amount of anxiety and stress that is unique only to air travel. Bluetooth travel updates in the airport concourse would be fantastic. Additionally, Free WiFi for air travel related information would be openly welcome. The third issue that came up (and quite possibly the most interesting) was that of a virtual travel partner. If the airline of choice can create a unique reward account to store all of the travel information, it should be able to have an individual conversation with its consumers while they are physically in the process of traveling.

I mean really, who goes to the kiosks? The people who need a virtual travel partner who will help them adjust to issues as they pop up during the course of their travel. The best way to do this would be through the use of Mobile to Mobile (M2M). Imagine recieveing gate updates on flight delays as you are pulling up to the airport or are on board a landing jet and arriving at the gate.

For savvy travelers, this would save an abundance of time and prevent needless questions for the gate attendants.

Any thoughts on these issues?


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